Washing Hands

It’s so simple, but so hard for some people to do. And it’s such a critical way to stop people from getting sick. Even medical schools teach it to soon-to-be doctors.

Day care centers and schools are filled with lessons to learn, and. . . germs to be caught.

These first-graders know all too well it’s no fun getting sick.

Kendrick, “I just had to stay in the bed to get better.”

Mary, first grade teacher, “One day I had six kids. It was a big eye opener. I said, ‘Whoa! We’ve got to do something.'”

So Mary brought in the heavy artillery — hospital nurses armed with a special lotion that glows under a black light to symbolize dirty germs.

Carrie, respiratory therapist, “They saw ‘germs’ on their hands, so they can realize that germs get passed through their crayons, through their pencils.”

“There’s mega data to support the fact that the number one way to keep yourself from getting ill is washing your hands.”

Nurses say to do it right:

scrub both sides of your hands
clean your fingernails and
wash frequently.

“Anytime you think you’re going to get your hands just a little bit dirty, what are you going to do?”

Classroom shouts, “Wash your hands!”

Keep in mind this advice doesn’t apply only to kids — it’s just as important for adults.

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