Tagged: Osteoporosis

Low Vitamin D: A Global Concern

Low Vitamin D: A Global Concern

Recent studies suggest that vitamin D is much more important in fighting off disease than previously thought. Being deficient in this vitamin puts one at risk of diseases such as cancer, osteoporosis, and multiple...

Solving the Calcium Conundrum

Solving the Calcium Conundrum

Every once in a while, new research findings seem to fly in the face of conventional nutrition wisdom, leaving health-conscious consumers scratching their heads or throwing up their hands. One of the most recent...

Computerized Workout

Computerized Workout

The invention of Nautilus exercise equipment revolutionized the way we exercise. Its creator has designed a new system that uses computers instead of scalpels to repair injured backs and knees. Mikaela’s weekly exercises on...

Smoker’s Nutrition

Smoker’s Nutrition

Containing over 4,000 chemicals, including more than sixty known carcinogenic (cancer-causing) substances, tobacco smoke has an obvious negative impact on health. People who smoke cigarettes or any other form of tobacco are at greater...

Bone Scanner

Bone Scanner

An estimated 25 million American women either have or are at-risk for getting osteoporosis. Many people don’t even know they have the disease. Now, a lightweight, easy-to-use test helps doctors identify more people with...

Connections between nutrition, genetics and disease

Connections between nutrition, genetics and disease

Do you think that nutrition needs to get more personalized? It certainly needs to get more personalized for specific diseases like heart disease and like osteoporosis. Specific diseases that we know have a nutritional...

Treatment for Spine Fractures

Treatment for Spine Fractures

Nearly 1 million osteoporosis patients suffer from fractures of the spine each year. The injuries are painful and often limit mobility. Traditional treatment includes bed rest and a brace, but a new procedure helps...

Future Risks childhood brain tumor survivors

Future Risks childhood brain tumor survivors

New research shows long-term childhood brain tumor (CBT) survivors are at risk for serious medical problems later in life such as endocrine and cardiovascular diseases even years after successful brain tumor treatment. In a...

Your risk factors for osteoporosis

Your risk factors for osteoporosis

Ten million people have osteoporosis … 80 percent of them are women. But the disease can be almost entirely prevented with healthy habits. Are you at risk? Several factors could determine your fate. Are...

Back Pain Treatment

Back Pain Treatment

Pamidronate is a medication and has been around for many years. It’s a medication for bone loss and was originally given to patients with high levels of calcium in the blood or to patients...

Connection between lung and bone problems

Connection between lung and bone problems

There’s a new connection between lung problems and bone problems. A new study urges the importance of screening for osteoporosis in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD). The association between the two is...

Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis

Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis

Osteoarthritis Also known as osteoarthrosis, degenerative arthritis, and degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis is a gradual wearing down of cartilage – the firm, elastic tissue that connects bones with muscles and protects the joints. This...



Osteoporosis is a skeletal disease in which bones gradually lose mass, become less dense, and weaken over time. This increases the risk for bone fractures, which can impair mobility or lead to severe consequences...

Vitamin D Deficiencies – Osteoporosis and Others

Vitamin D Deficiencies – Osteoporosis and Others

Osteoporosis Vitamin D deficiency can contribute to the development of osteoporosis. A 2006 multinational study of 2,600 postmenopausal women with osteoporosis found that 64 percent of the participants had insufficient blood levels of vitamin...