Your Health. Your Lifestyle. Vitamins and Minerals

Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplements

Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplements

A new study shows daily supplements of the fatty acid found in fish oil may reduce the risk of sudden death in patients who have recently suffered a heart attack. Patients who took omega-3...

Effective Acne Medication

Effective Acne Medication

A new type of acne medication is effective even when left on the skin for only a short time. Tazarotene gel is a form of vitamin A acid known as a retinoid agent. Retinoids...

Fruits and Veggies Lower Blood Pressure

Fruits and Veggies Lower Blood Pressure

Doctors may soon be writing patients prescriptions for five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, if British researchers have their way. In the first long-term study of its kind, researchers found people who...

How big of a problem is prostate cancer?

How big of a problem is prostate cancer?

It’s the most common cancer in men in the United States. Its been about 200,000 cases a year for the last five years or so. That means in the last five years, there are...

All Medicine is Not for Women

All Medicine is Not for Women

How much thought do you give the medication you’re taking? Even if it’s safe when used alone, it could suddenly become unsafe when used in combination with another drug. That can be especially true...

Use of Alternative Medicine

Use of Alternative Medicine

Alternative or complementary medicine, often referred to as integrative medicine, includes a broad range of healing philosophies, approaches, and therapies. A therapy is generally called complementary when it is used in addition to conventional...

Alternative Treatment for Cancer Patients

Alternative Treatment for Cancer Patients

Dietary supplements continue to grow in popularity, especially among cancer patients. It is estimated each year consumers spend between $10 billion to $12 billion on pills. While many experts say supplements have their benefits,...

What’s Your Nutrition IQ?

What’s Your Nutrition IQ?

We may very well have more variety in the foods we eat than even before. People often eat without knowing much about the nutritional content of food. Even if you are concerned with the...

Women are looking for ways to turn back time

Women are looking for ways to turn back time

On average, we can expect to enjoy longer lives than our parents, grandparents and their grandparents. As the baby boomer generation approaches middle age and beyond, a growing number of women are looking for...

Drug treatment after blood clots

Drug treatment after blood clots

How long should patients take anti-clotting drugs after an episode of venous thromboembolism? That’s the question researchers set out to answer in a new study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine. They reviewed...

Vegetarian Kids

Vegetarian Kids

About 2 percent of American kids ages 6 to 17 don’t eat meat. Whether it’s a social issue or they just don’t like the taste — there’s no reason for parents to panic. Mom...

Beating Insomnia Without Medication

Beating Insomnia Without Medication

We all want sleep, but many of us have trouble getting enough of it! Last year alone, 42 million sleeping pill prescriptions were filled, which means Americans spent more than $3 billion trying to...

Q and A on Common Pregnancy Complication

Q and A on Common Pregnancy Complication

What is preeclampsia? Preeclampsia is when a woman develops high blood pressure and starts having swelling and spotting in the urine. A lot of women are more familiar with the term toxemia, an older...

Calcium and Vitamin D: Do They Benefit Women?

Calcium and Vitamin D: Do They Benefit Women?

Postmenopausal women consistently taking calcium and vitamin D supplements may have the best shot at preserving bone mass and preventing fractures. New research from the calcium and vitamin D supplementation arm of the Women’s...

Sleep Apnea and the Risks to Your Health

Sleep Apnea and the Risks to Your Health

Sleep Apnea Nearly Doubles Risk for Heart Attack, Death Obstructive sleep apnea — a nighttime sleep disorder where the upper airway narrows or collapses and affects 8 million Americans — triggers the body’s “fight...

New Drug to treat Parkinson’s?

New Drug to treat Parkinson’s?

Researchers have made a major discovery that could slow — and even stop — the progression of Parkinson’s disease. Researchers from Northwestern University found isradipine (DynaCirc), a drug widely used to treat cardiac hypertension...

Modified MyPyramid for Older Adults

Modified MyPyramid for Older Adults

Researchers from Tufts revised their food pyramid to correspond with the one from the USDA – MyPyramid – and it is specifically designed for older adults. It still emphasizes nutrient-dense foods and the importance...

What is intravenous immunoglobulin, or IVIG?

What is intravenous immunoglobulin, or IVIG?

It is a blood product that contains immune factors that will counteract some of the autoimmune attack that the body puts on its own parts. So it’s actually pooled blood products that get concentrated...

Keep your brain active

Keep your brain active

Can’t remember where you put your keys? How about the name of the person you met last night at a dinner party? Researchers say memory starts fading around age 30, but there are ways...