Eggcelent Choice
For years eggs were blacklisted for their cholesterol–rich yolks. But a Harvard study that found no increased risk of heart disease in egg–eaters helped lift the ban and restore their good name.
Nutritionally, the oval orb supplies hard–to–come–by essentials like folic acid and choline, which are critical for brain health. And rather than a cardiovascular no–no, it seems the choline may actually aid the heart by lowering inflammation levels. A low–fat, high–protein food, eggs have been found to ease hunger better than carbs with the same calorie count, which suggests they also may be beneficial in controlling weight.
Of course eggs do have drawbacks. Hen’s eggs rank on the Centers for Disease Control list of top 8 allergens. And eggs can harbor food–borne illnesses like salmonella. But with safe handling and thorough cooking, you can crack into your dozen and enjoy both their nutrition benefits and flavor:
- Make a spinach omelet (studies show that the carotenoid lutein, found in both egg yolks and spinach, may lower your risk of developing age–related macular degeneration of the eyes)
- Scramble eggs with diced bell peppers, tomatoes, and salsa, then stuff into a whole wheat tortilla for a quick and zesty breakfast burrito loaded with protein, vitamin C, lycopene, and whole grains
- Liven up your lunchtime salad with hard–boiled egg; or sandwich it, sliced or diced with low–fat mayo, on bread.