It Burns, Burns, Burns … Heartburn
A common consequence of holiday excess is heartburn. Overeating and lying down too quickly after meals are the top causes of that burning sensation or sour taste. About 1 in 7 Americans have these...
A common consequence of holiday excess is heartburn. Overeating and lying down too quickly after meals are the top causes of that burning sensation or sour taste. About 1 in 7 Americans have these...
Salmon is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids (along with most fish). Substitute your red cuts of meat with fish such salmon (tuna is another great option as well. It’s recommended that you eat foods...
If a friend or family member went into cardiac arrest, would you know what to do? According to the American Heart Association, if bystander CPR (more immediate than paramedic or in–hospital CPR) is not...
What better way to express your love to those close to your heart than celebrating with ruby–hued foods that benefit body and soul: Red apples. They contain quercetin, an antioxidant that may help reduce...
It’s that time of year when the heart comes into focus, and for good reason. It’s about more than just chocolate, valentines, and expressions of love. Your heart is a key element of good...
Heart Attack Risk Factors High-carbohydrate diet: drives excess insulin production, high triglycerides, and conversion of VLDL into dangerous small, dense LDL. High-PUFA (Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids) Diet: promotes oxidation and inflammation, allowing small, dense LDL...
Cholesterol is one of the most important molecules in the body. It is involved in the structure and function of all cell membranes; the brain itself is 25% cholesterol; it’s a raw material for...
A common consequence of holiday excess is heartburn. Overeating and lying down too quickly after meals are the top causes of that burning sensation or sour taste. About 1 in 7 Americans have these...
People who suffer from heartburn know all too well how it got the name. While it may have nothing to do with your ticker, symptoms of indigestion often mimic those of a heart attack...
If hypertension mysteriously manifests because a health professional slips on the cuff, you’re not alone. Nearly 20% of the population suffers from white coat syndrome, a condition that induces elevated numbers in the doctor’s...
High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart diseases, stroke, congestive heart failure, and kidney disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Yet one in five Americans with the...
As has long been known, risk of cardiovascular disease can be passed down from generation to generation. If your parents and grandparents suffered from cardiovascular disease, it is all the more important that you...
Are you a type A personality? You are if you’re often impatient, extremely competitive, and consistently aggressive in most everything you do. Research shows that type A individuals with high hostility have twice the...
Triglycerides are the chemical form of most fats as they exist within the body. Calories that are not immediately burned may also be converted into triglycerides and stored in the fat deposits throughout our...
High-density lipoprotein (HDL) helps perform many beneficial functions that protect against atherosclerosis. At its best, HDL will help reverse atherosclerosis by taking cholesterol out of the walls of your arteries and out of plaque...
This year, 170,000 Americans will have coronary bypass surgery. It’s a life-saving, yet stressful procedure. A new kind of open-heart surgery is said to be easier on the patient. Two months ago, you wouldn’t...
Heart disease claims a life every 34 seconds in the United States. The problem is, once a heart is damaged, it cannot repair itself like some other parts of the body. But what if...
We all need oxygen to survive. Now doctors are using it in a new way to heal the heart after an attack, and it may even stop irreversible damage. When 51-year-old Mike had a...
The World Health Organization estimates 15 million people every year die of heart disease (1997 statistic). It’s the number one killer in all industrialized countries. According to one California doctor, a cure may be...
Imagine you feel your heart pounding. Is it a heart attack or just indigestion? If you’re a heart patient, you know the frustration of trying to describe your symptoms to your doctor after the...
The Joint National Conference on Blood Pressure, a group backed by the National Institutes of Health, has just announced that 45 million Americans are at much greater health risk than they thought. With systolic...
We’ve all seen headlines that the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) has revised its guidelines. How do the new guidelines differ from the old? Dr. Howard: We are now emphasizing looking at...
Do you know what your cholesterol level is? Experts say you should, since high cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease, the nation’s number one killer. According to the current national guidelines, however,...
When someone experiences a heart attack, he or she are often given medicine called thrombolytic therapy to dissolve blood clots. New guidelines have encouraged the use of this therapy more and more. However, a...
Middle-aged adults with a sibling suffering from cardiovascular disease (CVD) have a 45-percent increased risk for the disease, according to a study. Researchers say cardiovascular disease in a first-degree relative confers increased risk for...
Fainting can be a serious concern for many people. It can happen at any time, causing people who suffer from fainting episodes to give up driving, working and many other daily activities for fear...
More than 44-percent of all adults in the U.S. experience heartburn at least once a month. For most people, an over the counter drug will help, but for others the pain persists. Modern technology...
Once you’ve been through menopause and the levels of estrogen in your blood have decreased, your risk for heart disease increases. Protecting your heart helps safeguard your old age. Heart disease is the world’s...
Explain some of the findings of the pycnogenol study. Dr. Watson: One of the basic problems and risk factors for heart disease is clumping of red blood cells in an excessive manner. One of...
Air pollution may do more than smell and make you cough; it may also damage blood vessels. For the first time, researchers say they are able to confirm a correlation between air pollution and...