What’s in Your Water?
Your water may look refreshingly clear, but is it? Depending on where you live and where the water comes from, invisible microbial agents, chemicals, and debris can flood your H2O. From arsenic and lead to farm-runoff and pharmaceuticals, some sources pour out compounds that do little to quench thirst. And while bottled water might seem like a safer alternative, some studies suggest the plastic leaches dangerous toxins into your water over time. Learn more with these ideas:
Tap into your tap. Request water quality reports from your supplier to make sure all standards are met. Even if the water falls within regulation, consider investing in a purification system to boost taste and remove unwanted particles. Basic filters can reduce impurity content, but won’t strain chemicals or small sediments. Ultra-filters are more effective and may be paired with carbon absorbers to help sop up chemical compounds. Reverse osmosis systems are designed to help reject microorganisms, dissolved solids, and other contaminants. If you just want to dissipate chlorinated taste, let your water stand uncovered in the fridge overnight.
Bottle basics: If you’re unsure of the water source, contact your bottled water company to find out where its water originates. Never store the bottles in warm places. And consider ordering water from a delivery company that provides glass jugs over plastic. Recycle plastic bottles and refill in glass or stainless steel canteens.