Eye Injury Prevention Month
IT’S EASY TO presume that most of the 2.5 million eye injuries occurring in the U.S. each year happen in the workplace, as a result of falls or flying objects or sparks striking the eye. However, according to an annual survey conducted by the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) and the American Society of Ocular Trauma (ASOT), more than 50 percent of eye injuries happen outside the workplace, often involving recreational activities or common household chores.
Key findings of the 2010 survey included:
• The yard and garden were the places people were most likely to suffer an eye injury at home (mowing, trimming).
• Twenty-five percent of the eye injuries occurring at home were due to play or sports.
• Another 25 percent were due to home repair or power tools.
• Males sustained 73.5 percent of the injuries reported.
• About 50 percent the injuries reported were to people between the ages of 30 and 64; about 12 percent were to children 12 or younger.
Wearing protective eyewear is an easy way to prevent eye injury and save sight. The AAO and ASOT recommend that every household have at least one pair of American National Standards Institute approved protective eyewear to use when performing home repairs, playing sports or during other activities involving a risk of eye injury.