Vitamin C For The Heart
The World Health Organization estimates 15 million people every year die of heart disease (1997 statistic). It’s the number one killer in all industrialized countries. According to one California doctor, a cure may be as close as the nearest health-food store.
Betty loves to walk, but until recently, she just didn’t have the heart for it.
Betty, Had Heart Problems:
“I used to lie in bed and listen to my heart go bang, ka-plang, ka-plang.”
Betty had tachycardia, a condition that caused her heart to beat 180 times a minute — more than double the normal rate. Her doctor had a simple explanation.
Cardiologist, San Francisco, CA:
“Vitamin C deficiency is the single most important risk factor for developing cardiovascular disease. And if the walls of the arteries get too little vitamin C, they develop lesions, cracks and crevices.”
Bodies repair this damage by filling in the cracks with sticky fat molecules called lipoproteins. They stick inside artery walls, and other fats stick to them.
“Over the years, the deposits develop that eventually lead to heart attacks and strokes.”
Dr. says taking at least 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C a day will lower the amount of fat headed for your arteries. For the fatty deposits already there, an amino acid called lysine comes in. It takes the stickiness out of the fat, and the deposits slip away.
Betty takes antioxidant vitamins and Dr. Rath’s recommended vitamin C and lysine.
“Within 2 weeks after starting those vitamins and the vitamin C, no more problems.”
Before you take these supplements make sure you check with your family physician or cardiologist.
The Recommended Daily Allowance of vitamin C is 60 milligrams. Some experts warn too much vitamin C can cause nausea and heartburn, and it may irritate stomach ulcers.