What do You Mix it with?

90 percent of Americans don’t get the recommended 21–38 grams of fiber in their daily diet. Why is this? Perhaps it’s our hectic schedules that don’t allow us the time to think about fiber. Or, perhaps it’s a general refusal to change our eating habits and say “no” to all those greasy foods, which do more damage to our bodies than good*.

That’s what makes USANA Fibergy® Plus a terrific find! Regardless of our reasons, Fibergy Plus provides a convenient alternative to the same old excuses.

With 12 grams of fiber per serving, Fibergy Plus is a flavor-free option, which makes it perfect for mixing in nearly any liquid or food without altering the taste. That way, you can enjoy your meals without all the added calories. You gain all the benefits of fiber without making any sacrifices*.

Particularly during the holidays, everyone enjoys a nice glass of eggnog every now and then. Why not take this opportunity to get a little fiber as well? It’s also great mixed with yogurt or any juice you can think of. Furthermore, it leaves you feeling satisfied, reducing your cravings*.

What other USANA Customers are mixing it with:

Orange juice
Apple juice
Cranberry juice
Pineapple juice
Chocolate milk
Cottage cheese
Baked goods

A flavorless drink or food mix that can be added to nearly anything, this fiber additive makes getting your daily dose a simple convenience. Now there’s no excuse!

Add USANA Vitamins and Fibergy Plus (Item #226) to your shopping cart today.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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